Natural Area Preserves

Natural Area Preserves are must-see components of Virginia’s public lands.  Managed by the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation, these preserves protect the best examples of Virginia’s natural communities and provide habitats for our rarest species of plants and animals.  In order to limit potential impacts on the natural resources of each site, recreational activities are restricted to hiking and wildlife viewing.  In addition, the parking areas are small, ranging from 4 to 20 spaces.  With their focus on unique natural treasures and their limited use, Natural Area Preserves are great places to experience nature at its finest.

To see a complete list of Natural Area Preserves, go here.  It should be noted that not all preserves offer public access – read this brochure to learn about the preserves you can visit.  Even these preserves may be closed on occasion for management purposes - always check the Web site before going.  The Web site and brochure are also good sources of information about the special natural features of each preserve.  Because of the limited parking, it may be best to go early to ensure a parking spot.